/* Jems Scripting Language Demo */

#include <iostream>

#include "jvm.hpp"

using namespace std;

#define INVALID_INDEX -1

// host API functions

jvm_var HAPI_Print(jvm_var *params)
	// first parameter is the string which should be printed
	string str = params[0]; // jvm_var is automatically cast to string

	cout << str;

	// no return value needed (but return is mandatory)
	return jvm_var();

jvm_var HAPI_Gets(jvm_var *params)
	string str;

	cin >> str;

	// the string submitted by the user is returned
	return str; // jvm_var is automatically constructed from string

int main()
	virtualmachine jvm; // virtual machine instance
	int script; // script index

	script = jvm.add_script_file("demo.jse"); // load script executable

	if (script == INVALID_INDEX) {
		cerr << "An error occurred while loading demo.jse!" << endl;
		return -1;

	// registration of host API functions

	// MainFunction is a global variable which contains a pointer to the script main function
	jvm_var main_fnc = jvm.get_var(script,"MainFunction");

	if (main_fnc.type != jvm_funcptr) { // variable not found or not initialized with a function pointer
		cerr << "An error occurred while accessing global variable MainFunction!" << endl;
		return -1;

	int funcindex = main_fnc.func(); // extract function index from the variable

	// call script main function
	int ret = jvm.call_func(script,funcindex); // return value is cast to int
	// calls can also be made by function name (but function must be exported)

	// ret contains script return code
	if (ret != 0) {
		cerr << "Script returned error code: " << ret << endl;
		return -1;
		cout << "Script executed succesfully!" << endl;

	jvm.release(); // free virtual machine

	return 0;